Office of Financial Policy and Facilities Planning & Budgeting
Director of Operations, Emergency Management, Safety and Security – July 2022 to Present
Provide consultation for auxiliary services, security, athletics, emergency management, risk management, information technology, procurement, and operations for long-range planning strategies.
Review and recommend to FCS Chancellor and college administrations the U.S. Department of Education requirements for procedural and regulatory compliance.
FCS planning, assessment, and evaluation to ensure quality operations and to promote continual improvement of colleges academic programs and initiatives, including general and workforce development programs.
Provide guidance and actions to be implemented for specific emergency and disaster events impacting Florida College System institutional operations for facilities, students, and staff.
Review and analyze operational audits for response to the Auditor General Office
Provide leadership in college-based needs assessments to align with the budget and resources they seek that may impact the college’s goals and overcome institutional inefficiencies.
Assist with the implementation of the athletic annual budget, policies, and procedures to ensure compliance with FCSAA/State and NJCAA/National regulations.
Identify technological needs and make recommendations to Florida College System institutions.
Capture Grant; Served as Florida College System Researcher, $4.4M; expanded access to Cybersecurity and IT Training in Florida.
Developed and implemented “FCS Cyber Collaborative Group” to expand college activities to support and enhance both workforce development and a pipeline for cybersecurity education from elementary school through postsecondary education.
Provided leadership in developing curriculum and course alignment in the workforce priorities and strategic planning.
Office of Financial Policy and Facilities Planning & Budgeting
Deputy Director of Facilities Planning & Budgeting and Campus Safety – December 2017 to July 2022
Provided consultation for budget, security, emergency management, funding model, vendor services, information technology, and operations of campus facilities for long-range planning initiatives.
Assisted with operating budget and expenditures analysis reporting for the Florida College System and stakeholders.
Provided supervision, oversight, and feedback for Mutual Aid in support of FCS institutions.
Assisted in the review and implementation of Capital Improvement Plans (PECO) Funding
Research and assist with fiscal policy analyses on key legislation and state revenue estimates.
Assisted in the development of State and Federal Grants for the Florida College System
Responsible for the review and allocation of the Deferred Maintenance budget for facility upgrades
Conducted annual reviews of the college's Continuity Operation Plan (COOP) for compliance.
Capture Grant; Served as Florida College System Researcher, $395K+; project to support interoperability communication and coordination as prevention, and deterrence, but primarily to improve, enhance, and coordinate a response to violent activity and domestic security & terrorist threat, ensuring coordinated operations.
Facilitated and collaborated with the Florida Department of Health and FCS Presidents to reopen institutions in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Office of Academic and Student Affairs
Director of Student and Administrative Affairs – January 2016 to December 2017
Provided leadership in developing student affairs priorities and strategic plans.
Prepared ad-hoc reports relating to students tuition and fee projections
Identified best practices to increase student retention rates for the Florida College System
Assisted colleges with state and federal financial aid regulations.
Proactively identified issues and trends affecting diversity within student enrollment
Established statewide programs for transfer, homeless, foster care, and veteran students.
Responsible for auxiliary learning equipment to assist students with disabilities.
Reviewed for accuracy of Education Articulation Course Numbers and Contract Agreements
Collaborated with the State University System on Florida's 2 +2 Program criteria for a seamless path for students with an associate degree to enter a state university.
Oversaw the additional modification required by Section. 1004.085, Florida Statute to promote and expand efforts to reduce text and course material costs through policies and reporting requirements.
Assisted in the development of “The Second Chance Pilot Program” at Florida Gateway College and Florida Department of Corrections to allow incarcerated students access to higher education.
Office of Civil Rights and Compliance
Coordinator of Equity, Access, and Campus Safety – October 2014 to January 2016
Reviewed Administrative Rules to ensure colleges are in compliance with state and federal laws.
Review and analyze 28 colleges federal equity reports to ensure equity compliance with Florida Statutes and U.S. Department of Education Office of Civil Rights.
Responsible for ensuring colleges are in compliance with required Title IX policies and procedures.
Evaluate Career and Technical Education programs to ensure colleges provide necessary accommodations to all students with disabilities statewide.
Served as Florida College System liaison with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and U.S. Department of Homeland Security for campus safety.
Ensured institutions were in compliance with State Board of Education course substitution requirements.
Co-facilitated the revision of the guided pathway advising model to assist students with disabilities in identifying an appropriate career pathway, course selection, and degree completion.
Led a system-wide discussion on prospective students’ transportation, campus drive, and crosswalk/roundabout to ensure student safety during commuting.
Office of Agricultural Law Enforcement
Investigation Specialist II – May 2013 to October 2014
Accounted for investigative plans, interviewing witnesses, and taking sworn testimony.
Established leads regarding alleged violations of Florida Statutes laws, rules, and regulations.
Assisted law enforcement investigators with complex financial statements.
Ensured financial and policy reporting compliance with federal, state, and local regulations.
Evaluated evidence and assembled information for the Legal Counsel and State Attorney’s Office
Served as liaison for DACS law enforcement at statewide conferences and meetings.
Participated in focus groups for the development of law enforcement long-range planning.
Division of Administration and Financial Management
Bureau Chief of Agency Services – March 2006 to November 2012
Reduced cost annually by partnering with global procurement to strategize (RFPs, ITNs, and ITBs)
Planned and monitored bureaus, annual spending plan, and expenditures for budget compliance.
Designed and implemented cost allocation methodology for the agency’s commodities and services.
Proactively saved and reduced building rental expenditures by consolidating the agency portfolio.
Actively managed the department’s mailroom, printshop, purchasing, property, and facilities operations.
Audited and approved agency’s annual Property Control Inventory report for year-end closeout
Analyzed and created new business processes related to Minority/Women Owned Business Enterprises
Responsible for management aspects of all Auxiliary Services including custodial services, environmental health and safety, and warehouse logistics.
Implemented cost allocation methodology to reduce administrative costs for commodities and services: $460K.
Successfully collaborated with leadership to redesign a new professional business license card for transparency and leverage resources.
Division of Administration and Financial Management
Deputy Director of Administration – November 2004 to March 2006
Collaborated with the General Counsel on legal issues and agency-related settlement projects.
Strategized with the Director of Administration and Legislative Affairs on proposed legislative bills that may have an impact on the agency.
Provided leadership in the promotion and reclassification of management and staff positions within the agency.
Managed emergency issues in alignment with best practices while ensuring the work environment was positive and productive.
Administered and approved RFPs, ITNs, and ITBs for commodities and vendor services
Collaborated with the Florida Department of Management Services, Real Estate Development, and Risk Management Office on statewide initiatives.
Prepared, organized, and managed the auxiliary budget for pricing, staffing, and expenses for the division.
Coached executive team in the development of SWOT Analysis and Continuous Improvement Plans for workforce development and succession planning
Developed a presentation for the Governor’s Office of Planning and Budget on long-range planning.
Division of Service Operations
Senior Management Analyst Supervisor – May 2004 to November 2004
Streamlined business process for contractual service while increasing productivity.
Identified statewide budgetary and operational programs for business license renewals.
Provided guidance to budget entities with the development of the Legislative Budget Request
Enhanced technical reports and made recommendations for 90 days of approved or denied business licensees by Florida statutes and rules.
Improved staff efficiency and productivity through the implementation of Performance Measures
Advised the Professional Boards on the monthly revenue, expenditures, and cash balances.
Developed and implemented new customer service strategies to improve customer experiences.
Division of Administrative Services
Personnel Services Specialist – November 2003 to May 2004
Interpreted payroll policy and producers as they applied to routine and non-routine situations.
Verified course and education documentation for Criminal Justice Incentive Pay (CJIP) payments
Created reports evaluating the impact of programs surrounding the rate reports.
Updated payroll systems, including employment hires and terminations.
Audited and approved payment of annual, sick, and special compensatory leave in compliance with Florida Administrative Code, policies, and procedures.
Prepared memorandum for benefits, retirement, supplemental and/or revolving fund payments.
Accountant III – January 1999 to November 2003
Entered employee information and maintained payroll files.
Prepared payroll and tax reports for federal and state requirements
Generated and audited payroll reports for senior management review
Prepared ledger entries with earnings and deductions for supplement and monthly payroll
Calculated salaries, overtime earnings, uniform allowance, and leave payments for processing.
“No great achievement is possible without persistent work.”
“Some things cannot be taught: they must be experienced. You never learn the most valuable lessons in life until you go through your own journey.”
“Information is not knowledge. The only source of knowledge is experience. You need experience to gain wisdom.”
“Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.”
“Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers. It may not be difficult to store up in the mind a vast quantity of facts within a comparatively short time, but the ability to form judgments requires the severe discipline of hard work and the tempering heat of experience and maturity. ”